Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Terri Was Blind, Could Not Have Been Hand-Fed

Despite Bill Frist's diagnosis via video, in which he claimed that Terri was responsive to visual stimuli, today her autopsy revealed that she was blind, and would not have been able to swallow.

In essence, the autopsy revealed that Terri was terminally ill in 1990, and her organs had been kept "alive" by machines for almost 15 years.

For this abomination, this husk of a human, the Senate passed special legislation and W returned from vacation. This from a man who took the month off after receiving a memo entitled Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US.

This was clearly a straightforward, personal issue, in which the Bush administration interfered. For all their talk about "freedom," this administration exerts control over even the most intimate of personal interactions. It's time to tell the NeoCons to stay out of our personal business.

Calling conservative Republicans! Where are you? Please take back your party!

Image from