Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Set your TiVo Now!

As CNN fights to reinvent itself in the face of its worst ratings in years (FOX News is beating the pants off them), they've added a show from CNNI (their international channel) to the regular lineup.

As CJR puts it "CNN Stuns US with Actual News" and as Atrios put it
One is reminded what "news" is when it isn't the politics-as-gossip and missing white women we've become accustomed too.
When leading news stories on CNN's homepage include "Gross! Exhibit teaches science of body functions" it's time for us to use our remotes to speak to the CEOs and Programming Directors.

Please, everybody, set your TiVo to record Your World Today, at noon ET on CNN. Maybe they'll get the message that we are looking for actual news.