Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Action Alert: Call Ethics Committee Leaders

The Daily Delay is urging people to call the Majority and Minority leaders of the Ethics Commitee and urge them to appoint an outside counsel to investigate Tom Delay, aka the most corrupt politician in the District (and that's saying something).

I've pasted the numbers below. Once you've called, leave a comment at Daily Delay to let them know how it went. They already have almost a hundred confirmed calls in the last couple hours.
Ethics Chairman Doc Hastings (R-WA)
WA Office: 509-543-9396
DC Office: 202-225-5816.

Ranking Democratic Rep. Alan Mollohan (D-WV)
WV Office: 304-232-5390
DC Office: 202-225-4172

Don't worry, they won't want to actually talk to you, they'll just take your name and state.