Thursday, May 26, 2005

Deaths in "Newsweek Riot" were a LIE

Not only is there no evidence that anybody died in the Great Newsweek Massacre, it is also coming to light that the riots were planned months in advance by anti-western forces, who merely seized upon the story as a good excuse to rally the troops.

In other news, I just updated the header to be less generic and more on-topic. The statistics it cites are up-to-date as of today.
  • $7,780,229,236,305 in National Debt (*cough* surplus? what surplus?)
    • That's $26,268 per US citizen!
  • Over 21,795 Dead Iraqi Civilians
  • Over 1,800 Coalition deaths
I don't have my $26,268 share of the national debt stuffed in my mattress (my mattress isn't that big), so I hope W doesn't come looking for it anytime soon.

Let me know what you think of the new graphic, plus any other comments are more than welcome.