Wednesday, May 25, 2005

New Language: "Identical Human Rights for All Humans"

Today, Amnesty International blasted the US, saying that its increased disregard for international law has led to a sharp decline in civil and human rights across the globe.

The Secretary General for this organization that seeks to prevent torture and inhumane treatment of captives (as well as wrongful captivity) rightly pointed out how the neocons currently in control of our great nation have hijacked our language and have twisted the meaning of such words as "freedom" and "justice."
"Governments are betraying their promises on human rights. A new agenda is in the making with the language of freedom and justice being used to pursue policies of fear and insecurity. This includes cynical attempts to redefine and sanitize torture...

Governments are failing to confront their lack of success in addressing terrorism, persisting with failed but politically-convenient strategies. Four years after 9/11, the promise to make the world a safer place remains hollow...

When the most powerful country in the world thumbs its nose at the rule of law and human rights, it grants a license to others to commit abuse with impunity."
I suppose that I'm un-American to agree with her.

I propose that we work on refining the new language: "Identical Human Rights for All Humans."

Alarmingly, the neocons have managed to transform the essential human rights of such "outcast" groups as Queers, Muslims, and prisoners into "special rights." This is because to a neocon, human rights = rights conferred under ultra-conservative Christian values.

In so thinking, they are as wrong as the Wiccan, Satanist, or Amish who think their religious beliefs should be used to define human rights. Just because there are more neocons (in power, anyway) than members of these groups, does not give them the "special right" to define human rights for the rest of the world.

Human rights are not up for redefinition. Human rights cannot be lost; even criminals have human rights. Certainly then, human rights cannot be denied to groups based only upon their sexual orientation, skin color, etc!

We must have a single, universal application of human rights--and we already do. It's the neocons who have granted themselves the special right to disregard the rights of others. It's just one of the many ways in which the word "neocon" may rightly be substituted with "nascent fascist."

Think I'm going to far? Check out the 14 Characteristics of Fascism, and the specifics of how the Bush Administration meets and surpasses them all.

And just because I'm pissed at the moment, I'm going to Godwin my own post. Sorry: