Tuesday, May 24, 2005

New Language: "Smart Use of the World's Best Military"

Perhaps we should use the phrase "Intelligent Smart use of the world's best military."

Where best implies:
  • best equipped
  • best trained
  • most effectively sized
I stress implies, so that when questioned, we only then pull out the big guns of specifics: equipment, training, and size, as if to say "what are you, a moron who knows nothing about the military?" Citing these too soon can lead to MEGO (My Eyes Glaze Over).

Where intelligent smart means:
  • Having a soup-to-nuts strategy, and the equipment and manpower to carry it out
  • Looking to military history and learning from it
  • Using technology where possible to save lives
Small phrases are the lead!

When someone disagrees with us, we say:

"You don't believe in the military? Continued rebuttal here."


"Not smart. Continued rebuttal here."

This way, even if we get cut off (a la Ann Coulter, or worse, Bill O'Reilley), our soundbite gets through, converying our point while simultaneously highlighting the ignorance of the questioner.

It sounds petty, I know, but it has clearly allowed the neocons to consolidate power.

On another note, is terrorism trendy? From the outline below, one might initally think that our military is primarily concerned with defeating terrorism.

I think this misses the point entirely. The role of the military is to protect America and its citizens. Period. As we move forward in creating solid, non-trendy planks, we should be careful about our language, and set larger, more straightforward goals.