Wednesday, June 28, 2006

CNN Publishes Misleading Diatribe by James Dobson as Uncountered 'Commentary'

The headline on CNN's homepage read: Commentary: Media shows bias for gay marriage, but the more insideous headline of the article itself read "Media provides cover for assault on traditional marriage."

Once again James Dobson of Focus on the Family is attacking queer families while hiding behind the Bible and misconstrued statistics.

Dobson unabashedly argues for a religious belief to be written into the US Consitution. The only reason he provides for gay marriage being 'bad' is his belief that marriage was defined by 'the Creator'--by which he clearly intends the Christian God. Lacking facts*, Dobson and his ilk use statistics to intentionally confuse 'bad' with 'unpopular.'

In a 2003 Pew Forum Survey, the most popular two reasons for opposing gay marriage were both religious. Are we really going to let religion be written into the Constitution?

Dobson's only non-religious argument is that gay marriage is an attack on 'traditional marriage.'

This argument is so preposterous that he doesn't even bother to back it up with a single statistic. I challenge Mr. Dobson to demonstrate a single case where an existing or potential straight marriage has been harmed by giving the 1049 rights allowed only to married couples to loving same-sex couples as well.

*If you consider the Bible to be fact, look at how marriage is protrayed in virtually every instance; most married men in the bible have multiple wives. Is this the 'traditional marriage' Dobson is advocating?