Liberals: Supporting Our Troops
I've already posted about how Bush told troops in training that they would have the equipment they need. I also described how that was a lie: military families are buying body armour to protect their sons and daughters when the military fails to do so.Now the Bush administration is charging injured troops for body armor lost in the injuring event. Classy.
Liberal blogger John Aravosis of AMERICABlog was so apalled by this treatment of our troops that he put a button on his website to raise money for a soldier forced to pay the government $700 for the body armor torn off his bloodied body by rescuers as they rushed him to medical help. The readership of AMERICABlog, it should be noted, is rather rabidly anti-war. Nonetheless, in just two hours, these liberal readers donated over $5,000 to reimburse the wounded soldier.
Liberals support our troops. The Neocon administration, by contrast:
- Recalls soldiers who have completed their active duty requirements and returned to civilian life to active duty - a backdoor draft of those who have already sacrificed for their country.
- Makes veterans pay increased fees for health care.